With land based air also up in the sea zones around the islands, I figure I'll be good with sinking their fleet. ] Convoy protection: Destroyers, to screen your convoys. 0 unless otherwise noted. Capital Ships can use up to 5 yards of production at a time, Screens and Subs use up to 10 yards, and transports can have a capacity of 15 yards working. But that I wanted to send an army to Britain to prepare for D-day, I had 2 fleets of destroyers with 2 lvl 2 depth chargers and lvl 2 soner, and 1 fleet had a aircraft carrier with some naval bombers on it and they were on. Posted by u/mohammafsab80 - 5 votes and 3 commentsHistory has nothing to do with Hoi4 - especially after MtG. This way they will wreck convoys as long as they don't have any immediate escorts with them, but as soon as surface fleet arrives, the bail. You should get subs 3s over sub 1s because sub 3s have a slot. Convoy escort mission efficiency is purely #of escorts versus #of convoys in the seazone. High spotting helps engage convoys and avoid escort fleets. However, convoy escorts will still be able to fight against submarines once combat is initiated, even if subs are not normally detectable by enemy taskforces on the map. a tragedy that will halt Japan for the rest of the game. Considering the limied range of carrier aircraft the Fleet carriers simply could not fullfill the demands. Cruisers with many catapults also work in this role but are more visible. Lay Mines: Great for sinking unwary enemy ships and also slows them down. That's it. Note its 6:1 screens-to-capital,. For the record convoy escorts are not for sinking subs. g. This-Cartoonist9129. There are three mutually. I generally don’t use convoy escort, so I can’t speak to that. Just any subs you have, set to convoy raiding. Even better if you're looking for subs in shallow waters where. Randomnoob1111. Your AI Admirals try to avoid battles they'll lose, so you should be safe to keep them on convoy escort in some perimeter sea zones. Jays298 Lt. I try to assign the other task forces missions according to their type, like convoy escort for destroyer task forces, convoy raiding for submarine task forces etc. Thanks! Will do. Report. Then split them into 2 or 4 fleets. Floatplane cruisers are ok for the escort fleet if you want to make one, but I wouldn't make more than 4/5 with a few anti-sub destroyers, but I wouldn't have them in the main fleet. is that 2 light cruisers and 612 destroyers per region. Assign a surface fleet as a strike force to assisted the subs. Set to engage at high risk (sub3 or sub4 only). [If you have a lot of oil, you can send out your surface fleet to convoy raid as well. You can make one huge task fleet of escorts across every zone you want trade to go through. For convoy raiding, I’m working from old information wherein it was determined that above about 12 subs per TF, there was a drop off in efficiency. ), AA and Armor etc. . A slow strike force increases the likelihood that your patrol will either retreat or be annihilated. Even the German Navy is often good enough to do that. BEST SHIP = light cruisers with good spotting ability and perhaps good antisub or light attack (to take out destroyers, subs, or other cruisers). A single task force of 12 ships can participate in only one battle at a time. Low, Medium And High Risk Engage at raiding mostly governs when the Subs retreat I think, especially if the enemy has lower than 100% convoy escort effiency meaning their escorts arrive a bit delayed. You can use BC if you want. You will need 3 types of task forces 1: subs. It absolutely nukes literally all your stats - heavy attack, light attack, screening, etc. Sep 12, 2009 1. Also from the patch notes for 1. Escort just those zones. Mid-range the sectors outside the coastal line. July 16, 2023. Produce and have numerous fleet compositions to maintain your naval supremacy. 6. r/hoi4. Early escort groups often contained destroyers, sloops, naval trawlers. Each doctrine has a convoy defence doctrine path. I've. Escorts esort a sector per fleet. Strike Group/Bombard Group. Range of the ships is not a factor. Set your fleet to convoy escort when you're doing this. This has a chance to damage ships over time. It is hilariously easy and you will feel dirty how gamey it is. If the escorts get assaulted, your main fleet on regular patrol should detect the fight and auto join. This fleet will then carry out that mission over these areas. Grand Fleet: this spirit is available if you have the Fleet in Being naval doctrine. If you’re relying on naval convoys to fulfill resource needs, protecting those convoys is going to be vital. Bay of Biscay. In 1950+ I tagged switched to Japan (which had something like 1k ships according to their naval overview) and all their ships were seemingly set to convoy escort or strikeforce. Each hull type contains a number of module slots. Use naval bombers. - Also, i forgot to put "1-4 Escort / Light Carriers if possible" under the Invasion Fleet. 1. So a 40 plane converted cruiser carrier will have 10 CAS, 10 naval bombers and 20 fighters. Subs primarily raid convoys so your convoy escort fleet needs the anti sub modules more than screening fleet. Small group of cheap DDs. Set battlefleet to convoy raid in the sea zone. ago. The fact that the allies could escort their convoys under undisputed air cover and with strong escort presence in every major convoy by the end of 1942 made it almost impossible for the Germans to conduct effective submarine warfare. From my layman's. Take all your subs in one task force, split them into 10 groups, tell them to convoy raid 12-15 different sea zones. One can remove these orders by. Not really a point in using subs against capital ships. Target cost 5200-5300. 1 Effects of mines. It’s annoying when your main fleet comes out of port to assist your convoy escorts attack one sub and use up all your oil. . Carriers: Carriers were the gods of the sea irl in WW2, but in Hoi4, not so much, at least not until later in the game. e. I have seen 1 of these DD's go sink 4-6 Convoys and a enemy DD by itself but get sunk. Tl;dr - Dual purpose battery heavy cruisers, armored light cruisers. - Each naval region has a certain amount of superiority depending on the strength of each fleet. Polysci123 • 9 mo. Time that the enemy has to naval bomb you. Destroyer Escorts. at this point it can be ideal to switch the previous spotter fleets to convoy escort, as this will catch the subs and because they are destroyers you should have the advantage with depth charges (the LC can help. 5-10 CL. Ships can hover together depending on the mission type, strike force is one fleet together, if we have destroyers on convoy escort, a way of implementing tactical nuke strike on convoy escort is with spotting via spotting fleet or with scout planes to track the exact location for the strat bombers. I'm about to engage the Japanese with two of those fleets and a big old BB fleet in the pacific. With your air wings you need them on naval strike and the assigned regions where the naval invasion will travel through. Sort by: Best. Compare this to typical HOI4 deathstacked naval battles, where you see 20+ Battleships and scores of heavy cruisers per side able to find and shoot at each other in an orderly fashion! From my testing with rules-enforced fleet limits, you can still have massive naval clashes when limiting both sides to 12 capital ships and a few dozen screens. Carriers are also excellent Convoy Escorts. And they were seemingly built in very large numbers. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Convoy escort either need only 1 depth charge, or enough to be able to 1 shot subs. Convoy raiding: Submarines. You can make one huge task fleet of escorts across every zone you want trade to go through. If the latter is the case, then it seems like the ships on convoy protection should be a valid target for the ships on patrol, but. You can have some ships assigned to escort your convoys. Hi there, So I recently played a historical game as the US, I fought the Japenese, lend leased Britain alot. Patrol/Convoy Escort mission: CL and 2 DD fleet. Level II guns if you can keep the speed up. Big battleships and battlecruisers still have their use but after WWII they were phased out due to the massive advantages carriers had over them. Set them to convoy hunt. Note I didn't really mention killing subs. I think putting a few light cruiser with radar and scout planes into the convoy escort fleets would work well enough instead of putting radar on destroyers, though I haven't really played enough against strong sub-fleets to evaluate it. Y. I've lost 287 convoys in 2 months for 6 German submarines sunk. It also provides excellent AA cover for itself and other ships in the fleet. NAV can also be effective at killing subs, especially when you have a lot of sub detection in the sea zone. Groups of 10 destroyers with sonar and depth charges. So! (2. Historical convoy raiding with the pocket BBs, task forces of 10 Subs (convoy raiding), rest was split up into 2 task forces to patrol the open water and engage the smaller fleets. Once your fleet has a lot of Zeros, then the allies are basically ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Naval exercises edit. 6. Yup, as u/CorpseFool and u/Takseen have stated, you need to create another fleet made from destroyer task forces (1-3 in size) and put them on the Convoy Escort mission. The convoy escort gives +30% escort efficiency, which is pretty good because it lowers the number of escort ships required, and +20% sub detection for DDs. For the battle fleet, I'll have one big task force with all my fighting ships set to strike. By 1943 I had 1 fleet of ~5BC and 12 Light Cruisers raiding by France and the Western Coast of Britain and 3 sub groups 1 Atlantic, 1 by gibralter, and 1 in southwest africa killing off ~12-16+ convoys a week. My fleet instantly disengages, leaving my convoys to die. The bombers will do heavy damage and escort destroyers when the find the American fleet my main fleets will attack and usually crush them. Just add as many torpedoes as you can and organise them in groups of ten or five. The Helena is the. its not that hard. It's been smooth so far as I have taken over Germany, Russia ect. (CVE supported this more often than Fleet Carriers), convoy escort. I believe that the convoy mission will tell you how many ships you need to properly cover the route, however researching the center path in fleet of being doctrine will let your escorts require less ships. I keep my destroyers in Rostock and will use them on convoy escort wherever I naval invade or transfer troops over water. You want to keep them at least smaller than twice your enemy's convoy escort fleet size. However, in reality CVEs and Spotter planes offered both some detection and some kill capability (unfortunately you cannot give your CVE aircraft manual orders while they are on a Convoy Escort mission, or any other mission). We’d. A single task force of 12 ships can participate in only one battle at a time. Naval superiority status is EXCLUSIVELY a numbers game, so have cheap destroyers on convoy escort . 6. In general, it's best to deathstack all your ships under your best admirals so you should have max 3 fleets for the types of missions you do. When you found convoy, the whole task force of both side will teleport to fight each other. For naval, complete Fleet in being, Convoy Sailing and Escort and Battlefleet Concentration. The CLs should be well-rounded with radar and even more than one. I advise to put all your subs into one fleet, put the two big fleets of around 30 to 40 ships into a fleet on strike force and the rest of destroyers and light cruisers into a fleet for convoy escort/patrol. PS There. For a strike fleet, go for a high-level admiral with the highest. My surface fleet made up of battleships, heavy cruisers and light cruiser screens patrols the coast of Germany and the Baltic to prevent naval invasions early war. TAC have better range, and can switch back and forth between the ground and sea war, as needed. The finisher tech "Sea Lane Defence", on the other hand, affects the "Escort Convoy" mission that you can give to fleets, which is pretty much useless--don't research that tech. Convoy escorts protect convoys in their mission area. 0 "lowered screen ratio for navies from 4 to 3". 10 votes, 24 comments. Spotting Forces patrol areas and have high speed to manage medium combats themselfs until strike forces arrives or disengage. Set my fleet up in Vietnam and just waited. Said convoy was then escorted on the outside layer by sub-killing destroyers. The first thing you should do in any navy game is to group your fleet into one death stack (press F2 select all the seperate task forces and press G) and then split all submarines from your main fleet. The Mediterranean had a huge amount of convoy battles and they never involved BB unless it was already part of the convoy escort. 4 showing 32. k. Archived post. What you will need a shit ton of DDs with torp racks to nuke their fleets. Set your older subs on patrol, engage at low risk, so they won't fight. Naval strike. This system creates a tech race between sub stealth and sub spotting, with subs having a better chance of getting an advantage in the early game. It is what you go with if you're following a historical UK or Italy. Even if the portion of my fleet is VASTLY superior to the enemy fleet that is attacking the convoys the portion of my fleet in first contact will. This is the basic concept of a "Fleet in Being" where you can control multiple. Hoi4 Naval Meta Doctrine. Single-Okra-7692 • 9 mo. I was playing 1936 Italy. "Sortie Efficiency" is a direct multiplier to how many attacks your naval bombers will make. Small group of. At 100%, escorts will immediately enter combat upon a convoy coming under attack. Not sure how hoi4 will. Otherwise, fast boats and a carrier would work best at preventing convoy or escorts from escaping. New. This protection is extended to all of the fleet's assigned regions, although the number of regions that can be efficiently protected depends upon the number and size of task forces performing the mission within a given fleet. Also the same with Convoy Escorting. first successful sealion/allies cap after 100. Putting together a force to raid convoys is pretty simple: just put a bunch of submarines together and assign them to a region. The US will gain docking rights in China from focus and will raid the. So if I've got stuff going on Pacific, Atlantic, and Med all at the same time, it gets complicated. Historically, both the US and the UK used small carriers for patrol and convoy escort, but the game doesn't model this. Commanded by a vice admiral, a twelve ship fleet with 4-6 capitol ships and 6-8 escorts. As sterrius mentioned. hull classification symbol CVE), also called a "jeep carrier" or "baby flattop" in the United States Navy (USN) or "Woolworth Carrier" by the Royal Navy, was a small and slow type of aircraft carrier used by the Royal Navy, the Royal Canadian Navy, the United States Navy, the. One just stripped basic I. Note that fleets on convoy escort also show up in the “patrolling the coast” box, and these fleets do not get involved in a battle between friendly raiding fleets and enemy patrolling fleets – so if a battle starts between the 35-strong British raiding fleet and the 60-strong French patrolling fleet, the 100-strong British fleet on convoy. The strike force is split in half when you go over 4 carriers. 3 getting max convoy escort efficientcy is more important as it will reduce the numbed of times their subs can attack your convoys. 5-10 CL. Multiply this a few times et voila! Mostly empty max engine destroyers to tank light attack, and then cruisers (either heavy or light, there's advantages to both) that stack as much light attack as possible. Also, only your CL can combat those submarines and cannot detected them that well, better to use destroyers as escorts/ search and destroy sub killers. A single Naval Yard outputs 2. Optional: include one of the above "Spotter Cruisers" in the group to improve detection. all of my trade was, of course, null, and i had no way of. 2.